The appalling greed and corruption is playing out live since 2008 and without any accountability to the people. One Percenters are completely immune and laughing At...
The DOJ Press Release combined with the 11th Cir. opinion and district court cases in Southern Fl. are well worth the read if you want to...
Citizens remain impotent about challenging the US Government and Wall St. Owning a home will not be a financial option and renting will be very costly.
According to report below and assuming 75 percent LTV, the buildings 2018 valuation is around $117M, a whopping $41M gain in 2 years from a $76k...
PHH Mortgage Corporation is continuing to dunn Plaintiff for a debt that he does not owe,
Compare with: PHH Mortgage Honored by Freddie Mac for Superior Loan Servicing
Arrest warrant approved for ex-Honduras president Hernandez, wanted by U.S. on drug charges, as LIF continues to question the criminality of the Federal Judiciary in the...