The Florida Supreme Court disciplined 19 attorneys, disbarring three, suspending nine, reprimanding one, and revoking the licenses of six.
Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), has become a prominent protector of her boss and a fierce critic of the media.
LIF questions the standards applied for allowing former disgraced and disbarred lawyers and judges to become mediators in Florida Courts.
During a criminal investigation, lawyer Manie was given immunity from criminal prosecution by the Statewide Prosecutor.
What else is being lied about? And will the Catholic Charitable Donations need a Few Hail Mary's?
Attorney Calvin Carl Curtis submitted a request for disciplinary revocation, with the caveat he can reapply in 5 years.
LIF cannot comprehend how the People of Florida and the United States of America are so accepting of Brazen Corruption.