Florida Lawyer Charged With Attempted Murder in the First Degree and Battery of Terminally Ill Girlfriend
The victim, who was physically battered and then shot by Donald N. Jacobson, is suffering from Stage 4 lung cancer and is terminally ill.

Florida Bar v. Donald N. Jacobson
UPDATE BY LIF: JAN. 21, 2025
Donald Nathan Jacobson, 224 Datura St., Suite 211, West Palm Beach, disciplinary revocation without leave to seek readmission effective December 15. (Admitted: 1990)
On November 2, 2022, Jacobson pled guilty to aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.
He was sentenced to seven years of probation and other conditions.
The events arose from his firing of a weapon at his fleeing girlfriend.
(Case No: SC22-1344)
Florida Bar v. Donald N. Jacobson
MAR 7, 2022 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: APR 1, 2022
This petition of The Florida Bar (the bar) seeks emergency relief and requires the immediate attention of this Court under Rule 3-5.2 of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar.
The bar seeks the emergency suspension of Donald Nathan Jacobson, Attorney No. 844098, from the practice of law in Florida based on facts set forth in the Complaint Affidavit (Probable Cause Affidavit/Arrest Form) of Officer Vanessa A. Encina, Pompano Beach Deputy, dated December 20, 2021[1] attached as Exhibit “A”, that establishes clearly and convincingly that Donald Nathan Jacobson has caused, or is likely to cause, immediate and serious harm to clients or the public as follows:
1 The bar was informed of this arrest on February 18, 2022.
2. Respondent, Donald Nathan Jacobson, is and, at all times hereinafter mentioned, was a member of The Florida Bar admitted on April 26, 1990 and is subject to the jurisdiction and disciplinary rules of the Supreme Court of Florida.
3. Respondent is currently the subject of a bar disciplinary matter which has been assigned Florida Bar file number 2022-50,488(15E)FES.
4. The Complaint Affidavit (Probable Cause Affidavit/Arrest Report) attached as Exhibit “A” reflects that on December 19, 2021 an altercation occurred between the victim (respondent’s live-in girlfriend of 2 ½ years) and the respondent in which he grabbed her by her hair and pushed her into a cement surface several times, striking her head.
The respondent continued to strike her with such force that she was thrown toward a toilet causing it to break.
As a result, the victim lost consciousness. Thereafter, she drove to the hospital to seek medical attention.
The victim is suffering from Stage 4 lung cancer and is terminally ill.
On the following day, the victim returned to the residence in which she cohabitated with the respondent to retrieve her cancer related medication believing that the respondent would not be home.
When she saw his car in the driveway, she knocked on the door and asked for her medication.
The respondent then stated,
“I hope you die; I can’t wait for you to die.”
The victim telephoned 911 for assistance as the respondent held a shotgun and yelled,
“Die Bitch, Die Bitch”, “You’re going to fucking die.”
The respondent fired the gun and continued shooting as the victim ran away.
The victim was struck in her back and head.
The victim had multiple contusions and lacerations on her body from the assault from the day before.
She had two pellets from the shotgun round embedded in her skin, swelling and bruising to her left upper cheek near her eye and markings on the back of her head, neck and back consistent with being struck by pellets from the shotgun.
Soon after the incident, the respondent was arrested after having fled the scene.
5. The respondent has been incarcerated since the date of his arrest and is being held on a “no bond” status.
6. As a result of the events of December 19, 2021 and December 20, 2021, the respondent was charged by information by the state of Florida on January 20, 2022 with Attempted Murder in the First Degree and Battery.
(A copy of the Information is attached as Exhibit “B.”)
7. On March 1, 2022, the respondent’s attorney filed a Motion for Appointment of Expert with Request for Competency Determination Within 20 Days in the pending criminal case.
(A copy of the Motion is attached as Exhibit “C.”)
In it, the attorney advised that he had requested that the respondent be evaluated by Dr. Blake McGrane to evaluate the respondent’s competency.
Dr. McGrane is a licensed psychologist in the state of Florida who specializes in forensic and clinical psychology. Dr. McGrane graduated from Nova Southeastern University’s Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program in Clinical Psychology. There he specialized in the field of forensic psychology. Dr. McGrane has worked in inpatient and outpatient settings.
Dr. McGrane submitted a report February 2, 2022 that includes a finding that the respondent is incompetent to proceed.
The comprehensive report is referenced as Exhibit “D” and is being filed as a confidential document.
8. Respondent’s conduct above violated the following Rules Regulating The Florida Bar: 3-4.3 [Misconduct and Minor Misconduct.]; 3-
4.4 [Criminal Misconduct.]; and 4-8.4(b) [Misconduct. A lawyer shall not commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects.].

9. It is hard to fathom a case of more serious harm than what has transpired here.
This respondent first beat his terminally ill girlfriend mercilessly and the following day shot her as she ran for her life when she asked for her cancer medications.
Crimes of violence “affect the perception of the public that the lawyers of this state do uphold the laws”
The Florida Bar v. Kandekore, 766 So.2d 1004 (Fla.2000), The Florida Bar v. Schreiber, 631 So.2d 1081 (Fla.1994).
10. The bar’s investigation of this matter has shown a substantial likelihood that respondent cannot practice law competently and in compliance with the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar.
In addition, respondent’s continued practice of law is likely to place an undue burden on the judicial system and the public.
The above facts show that respondent has caused, or is likely to cause, immediate and serious harm to clients or the public and immediate action must be taken to protect respondent’s clients and the public.
Therefore, under Rule 3-5.2, the Bar respectfully requests this Court issue an order suspending respondent from the practice of law until further order of this Court and ordering the respondent to:
A. Immediately:
a. Accept no new clients from the date of this Court’s order of emergency suspension;
b. Initiate no litigation on behalf of clients from the date of this Court’s order of emergency suspension;
c. Provide a copy of this Court’s order of emergency suspension to all courts, tribunals, or adjudicative agencies before which Donald Nathan Jacobson is counsel of record; all state, federal, or administrative bars of which respondent is a member; all clients; all co- counsel; and all opposing counsel, as required by Rule 3-5.1(h);
d. Cease withdrawing or disbursing any money from any trust account or other financial institution account holding funds of clients or third parties in respondent’s possession in connection with legal representation or funds of third parties in connection with respondent’s service as a fiduciary including, but not limited to, personal representative, guardian, or trustee, until further order of this Court, a judicial referee appointed by this Court, or by order of the circuit court in an inventory attorney proceeding instituted under Rule 1-3.8;
e. Not transfer any ownership of any real or personal property purchased in whole or in part with funds of clients or third parties in connection with legal representation or with funds of third parties in connection with respondent’s service as a fiduciary including, but not limited to, personal representative, guardian, or trustee, without approval of this Court, a judicial referee appointed by this Court, or by order of the circuit court in an inventory attorney proceeding instituted under Rule 1-3.8;
f. Deposit any fees or other sums received in connection with the practice of law or employment as a personal representative, guardian, or trustee, by the respondent on or after the date of this Court’s order of emergency suspension into a specified trust account from which withdrawal may only be made by order of this Court, a judicial referee appointed by this Court, or by order of the circuit court in an inventory attorney proceeding instituted under Rule 1-3.8;
g. Provide a copy of this Court’s order of emergency suspension to all banks and financial institutions where the respondent maintains any account holding funds of clients or third parties in respondent’s possession in connection with representation or funds of third parties in connection with respondent’s service as a fiduciary including, but not limited to, personal representative, guardian, or trustee;
h. Comply with, and provide all documents and testimony responsive to, a subpoena from the bar for trust account records and any related documents necessary for the bar to conduct a trust account audit;
i. Authorize any referee appointed in these proceedings to determine entitlement to funds in any trust accounts frozen as a result of an order entered in this matter; and
j. Turn over to any successor the complete financial records of any estate, guardianship, or trust in which respondent served as a fiduciary on the successor’s appointment;
k. Cease holding yourself out as a Florida Bar member or lawyer and eliminate all indicia of respondent’s status as a Florida Bar member or lawyer on websites, email, social media, telephone listings, stationery, checks, business cards, office signs, email address, and any other indicia of respondent’s status as a Florida Bar member or lawyer; and
B. Within 30 days from the date of this Court’s order of emergency suspension:
a. Cease all practice of law in Florida;
b. Withdraw from representation of all clients;
c. Wind down all pending matters;
d. Cease acting as a fiduciary, including, but not limited to, personal representative for any estate, guardian for any ward, and trustee for any trust;
e. Provide Staff Counsel with an affidavit listing all of the following that respondent notified of this Court’s order of emergency suspension: all courts, tribunals, or adjudicative agencies before which respondent is counsel of record; all state, federal, or administrative bars of which respondent is a member; all clients; all co-counsel; and all opposing counsel.
f. Provide Bar Counsel in this case with an affidavit listing each bank or financial institution to which respondent provided a copy of this Court’s order of emergency suspension; and
g. Notify Bar Counsel in this case of the receipt and location of any fees or other sums received in connection with the practice of law or in connection with respondent’s service as a fiduciary, including, but not limited to, personal representative, guardian, or trustee, received by respondent after issuance of this Court’s order of emergency suspension.
Respectfully submitted,

Randi Klayman Lazarus,
Bar Counsel The Florida Bar
Fort Lauderdale Branch Office
Lake Shore Plaza II
1300 Concord Terrace, Suite 130
Sunrise, Florida 33323
(954) 835-0233
Florida Bar No. 360929
rlazarus@floridabar.org smiles@floridabar.org
Staff Counsel The Florida Bar
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300
(850) 561-5600
Florida Bar No. 559547
Executive Director
The Florida Bar
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300
(850) 561-5600
Florida Bar No. 25902
I certify that this document has been E-filed with The Honorable John A. Tomasino, Clerk of the Supreme Court of Florida, with a copy provided via email to Respondent, Donald Nathan Jacobson, at donald@dnjlaw.com; and that a copy has been furnished by United States Mail via certified mail No. 7020 0090 0000 6804 8484, return receipt requested to Respondent, Donald Nathan Jacobson, at Main Jail Bureau, 555 SE 1st Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301; via email to David Fry, Esq., Office of the Public Defender, 201 SE 6th Street, Ste. 3872, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 at dfry@browarddefender.org, and via email to Randi Klayman Lazarus, Bar Counsel, rlazarus@floridabar.org and smiles@floridabar.org, on this 7th day of March 2022.
Staff Counsel The Florida Bar
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300
(850) 561-5600
Florida Bar No. 559547
Bar counsel in this matter is Randi Klayman Lazarus, Bar Counsel, whose address, telephone number and primary email address are The Florida Bar, Fort Lauderdale Branch Office, Lake Shore Plaza II, 1300 Concord Terrace, Suite 130, Sunrise, Florida 33323, (954) 835-0233 and rlazarus@floridabar.org and smiles@floridabar.org. Respondent need not address pleadings, correspondence, etc. in this matter to anyone other than bar counsel and to Patricia Ann Toro Savitz, Staff Counsel, The Florida Bar, 651 E. Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300, psavitz@floridabar.org.
• Continue to provide this website, content, resources, community and help center for free to the many homeowners, residents, Texans and as we’ve expanded, people nationwide who need access without a paywall or subscription.
• Help us promote our campaign through marketing, pr, advertising and reaching out to government, law firms and anyone that will listen and can assist.
Thank you for your trust, belief and support in our conviction to help Floridian residents and citizens nationwide take back their freedom. Your Donations and your Voice are so important.
Mortgage Servicer PHH Ocwen: Scammin’ Homeowners Since 2008, with Government and Judicial Approval
The mortgage servicing industry constantly refuses, misallocates or has some other reason for not crediting customers mortgages with the payment to induce foreclosure.

News 6, DEO save 72-year-old Titusville woman from foreclosure in home assistance glitch
‘This just made our Christmas,’ woman’s daughter says
DEC 13, 2022 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: DEC 14, 2022
TITUSVILLE, Fla. – A 72-year-old Titusville woman and her daughter found themselves on the brink of foreclosure after Homeowner Assistance Funds issued by the Department of Economic Opportunity went missing.
Nilda Molina and her daughter, Millie Aguirre, contacted News 6 and Make Ends Meet after their mortgage company, NewRez C/O PHH Mortgage Services, issued a foreclosure notice the day before Thanksgiving.
“Not a single payment has been received by the mortgage company,”
Aguirre told News 6.
“I’m nervous, I feel like I’m worse off now (than) before I entered the program.”
Molina has lived in her Titusville home for nearly 30 years, and according to documents obtained by News 6, was approved for mortgage and utility funds for 18 months on July 13, 2022.
Aguirre said the DEO indicated the payments had been issued, but according to the mortgage company, the funds were never deposited into Mrs. Molina’s account.
The DEO confirmation letter said the payments “will be made directly to your service provider and may process at different times.”
News 6 contacted the DEO and a representative got to work immediately.
The money, all 6 months of missing mortgage payments, were issued Monday.
In an email to News 6, her daughter wrote in part,
“We got results. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We could not have gotten this done without you. This just made our Christmas.”
During our interview, Aguirre said she and her mother felt News 6 would have the answer.
“The first thing we thought was we should come to Getting Results on Channel 6 and see if they could help us,”
Aguirre said.
“Here you are and I thank you so much for that.”
In a statement to News 6, DEO Press Secretary Leigh McGowan said in part,
“If homeowners are not seeing their awarded Florida HAF funds applied to their mortgage account, we encourage Florida HAF recipients to review their Florida HAF award letter. All award letters are emailed to Florida HAF recipients when they are initially awarded assistance.”
Each award letter states the name of the company to which the payment will be made.
If the name of the company in the award letter differs from the name of the company their mortgage payments are regularly sent to each month, the best course of action for Florida HAF recipients is to contact the Florida Homeowner Assistance Fund Customer Assistance Center for assistance at 833-987-8997, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
LIF Comment: More information about homeowner assistance in states outside Florida (nationwide) is available on CFPB’s website.
• Continue to provide this website, content, resources, community and help center for free to the many homeowners, residents, Texans and as we’ve expanded, people nationwide who need access without a paywall or subscription.
• Help us promote our campaign through marketing, pr, advertising and reaching out to government, law firms and anyone that will listen and can assist.
Thank you for your trust, belief and support in our conviction to help Floridian residents and citizens nationwide take back their freedom. Your Donations and your Voice are so important.
Editors Choice
A Message for Felon Francis Santa: We Cannot Be Bribed. Stop the Harassment
Once a person has been convicted of a felony, he or she can be considered a felon for life, according to the strict meaning of the word.

Dear Santa…..
DEC. 12., 2022
We’ve set aside your plethora of harassing emails and bribes for many months. Indeed, we have never contacted the ex-wife below, who is desperate to provide more unfavorable information about you, Francis “Frank” Santa.
But now your emails are becoming both incessant and threatening, which means we have to publish all the information for our own safety.
You are a convicted felon Francis “Frank” Santa. Considering your stalking behavior, that makes you a very dangerous and untrustworthy person.
We are stating in this public forum: cease and desist from your writings, threats and stop tryin’ to bribe us with “donations” – which are not donations as they are based on LIF and LIT removing an article about you, which is based on the real truth, no bull.
And remember Francis Santa, you are the one who came charging at us with a takedown request for the Ringel’s, indicted in NYC.
In return, all we did was google you and your business to find out who we were dealin’ with.
That’s when we discovered the information about your criminal past, which was recovered from publicly accessible information.
LIF and LIT didn’t ‘destroy’ you Frank, you did that all by yourself.
May 17, 2022
Francis Santa
I am coming hat in hand to you for help.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am sincerely and humbly asking you for help. I do not know who I upset to find myself being personally punished on your website but there my be a good reason for which an apology on my part may be need.
If I have wronged someone there I am deeply sorry.
I am a spiritual person and have worked very hard to get to where I am in my life after having my world destroyed 11 years ago.
I have changed and I take responsibility for all my past issues, but more important to me now in life is that if I have done something to someone to offended them even without knowing why, I apologize and more forward.
Please contact me back by email or phone (305)967-3168 so I can make amends.
I do know who has so much dislike for me and took the time to hurt my wife, children and grandchildren and me and but I must have hurt them deeply for the posting to be put up about me.
Last, please understand I am not asking for sympathy or asking you to remove it.
If I have harmed someone in the last 6 years and I am wrong for something I personal did then I deserve it but also if I did nothing I don’t.
Again, please contact me and tell me what I have to do to make things right and discuses this.
Very Respectfully,
Jun 9, 2022
Francis Santa
Need your help
Dear Sir/Madam,
I sent an email to info@lawsinflorida.com and did not receive a response.
I really need your help, please see attached.
Jul 22, 2022
Francis Frank Santa
I read with great interest your article on my former spouse – what you don’t know is that Mr. Santa is currently in arrears for child support in the amount of $196,000.
I can provide documentation for proof.
I find it quite amusing that this man cries poor mouth, continues to hide assets, resides in a gated community in Boca Raton and has started this bogus foundation.
Leopards do not change their spots –
You do realize he also spent 5 of a 15 year bid in NYS prison for a credit repair scam in which he stole 2.5 MILLION; was prosecuted by DA Morgenthau’s office and was ultimately released to the state of Florida for his parole and probation.
Probation doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what he is doing.
Child Support enforcement doesn’t give a rats ass and good luck trying to get in touch with someone.
I will never see that money he owes – – I can’t even get a life insurance policy on him – something he was to provide for his FIRST born – not the other children he has – one of which is a convicted counterfeitter.
I encourage LIF to contact me.
October 13, 2022
Francis Santa
Need your help ( https://lawsinflorida.com/where-is-he-now-fraudster-francis-santa-was-sentenced-to-88-months-for-conspiracy/ )
I sent you an email many months ago.
I have put my life back together.
The past 11 years I have paid dearly for what happen.
My family has suffered the most because of the issue.
As for myself I feel that what I went threw changed me and made me a better person and took me off a bad path.
I am trying so hard to move on.
Your article about me is destroying my family.
Please contact me back to see if you can help me in some way to remove or de-index this.
I do understand that you spent a tremendous in research and time posting this.
I have no problem paying and administrative fees that you need.
I am coming to you with hat in hand for your help
Where Is He Now? Fraudster Francis Santa Was Sentenced to 88 Months for Conspiracy
December 1, 2022
December 1, 2022
December 8, 2022
francis santa where is he now
the former mrs santa <deadmom1960@gmail.com>
Submitted on: Dec 8, 2022 at 20:26
the former mrs santa
francis santa where is he now
ha ha now he is offering a scholarship???
lol scam people into giving money to his “foundation” that isn’t a 501c3 – so he can give it to “other” charities. Why don’t I just donate to them myself and get the tax write off?
are people that stupid?
December 8, 2022
December 12, 2022
I am waiting patiently to talk to you regarding your posting on LIF. I am being as respectful as I can at this time.
I know you own the site along with LIT and you are responsible for the posting.
You have turned my life upside down for no reason. The internet can be very cruel.
I have suffered enough with my family and you have put my life in danger.
I could understand if I did something wrong but that is not the case.
Please remove the posting or de-index it from the search engines. I am not the only person you did this to for no reason.
What I find interesting is that you are a media company helping people and you are also a company that destroys people.
Do your clients know this?
All I want is for you to remove the posting.
You have hurt me for more than 9 months.
I think that you made your point (whatever it was)
Donor Comment: Thank you
Boca man pleads guilty to conspiring to bribe bankers and fake financial documents
AUG 9, 2011 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: APR 22, 2022
WEST PALM BEACH — The owner of a Boca Raton company pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiring to bribe local bankers and falsify financial documents to secure more than $1.5 million in fraudulent small business loans and lines of credit.
Francis Santa admitted orchestrating what federal prosecutors have described as an unique form of fraud: enlisting corrupt bankers to approve business loans for clients with poor credit histories. Santa and his employees at Palm Beach Business Consultants attempted to push through more than $10 million in bogus loans and lines of credit since the firm opened in 2003, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
After federal authorities caught on to Santa’s scheme, he began working with them and agreed to introduce an undercover FBI agent to the bankers. The sting culminated in January with the arrests of 15 people, including Santa, a Broward Schools assistant principal, a former Broward Sheriff’s investigative aide and seven Broward and Palm Beach bankers.
• Continue to provide this website, content, resources, community and help center for free to the many homeowners, residents, Texans and as we’ve expanded, people nationwide who need access without a paywall or subscription.
• Help us promote our campaign through marketing, pr, advertising and reaching out to government, law firms and anyone that will listen and can assist.
Thank you for your trust, belief and support in our conviction to help Floridian residents and citizens nationwide take back their freedom. Your Donations and your Voice are so important.
August 2022 List of Thievin’ and Lyin’ Attorneys In the State of Florida
The consistent theme for August 2022, and indeed most months, is Florida lawyers theft of client funds and settlement funds.

August 1, 2022 Disciplinary Actions
AUG 1, 2022 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: NOV 15, 2022
The Florida Supreme Court in recent court orders disciplined six attorneys, suspending three and disbarring three.
Timmy W. Cox, Sr., 7401 S.W. 16th St., Plantation,
suspended effective immediately following a July 13 court order.
(Admitted to practice: 2014)
Cox failed to respond to official Bar inquiries.
The Bar filed its Petition for Contempt and Order to Show Cause on April 29.
The Florida Supreme Court ordered Cox to show cause by May 18. Cox failed to file a response to the court’s Order to Show Cause.
(Case No: SC22-598)
James F. Feuerstein III, 22724 Stallion Dr., Sorrento,
disbarred effective immediately per a July 21 court order as Feuerstein is currently suspended for 91 days (by court order dated April 21).
(Admitted to practice: 1987)
Feuerstein failed to respond to official Bar inquiries in three separate Bar matters and failed to file a response to the Court’s Order to Show Cause.
(Case No: SC22-618)
Thievin’ from Your Own Mamma’s Estate
John Hadsall, 18198 3rd St. E., Redington Shores,
disbarred, effective 30 days following a July 7 court order.
(Admitted to practice: 1980)
Hadsall was found to have improperly transferred assets from the estate of his mother for personal use.
He failed to show by clear, satisfactory, and convincing evidence that he acted in good faith throughout the transactions and failed to show that his mother acted freely, intelligently, and voluntarily in gifting him funds from her accounts.
Hadsall subsequently attempted to render himself judgment proof to thwart the estate’s attempt to recoup the funds.
(Case No: SC21-1444)
Melanie L. Johnson, 4790 Longbow Dr., Titusville,
disbarred effective immediately following a July 14 court order.
(Admitted to practice: 2004)
Johnson misappropriated client funds.
In response to the Bar’s request for records needed to perform a compliance audit of her law office trust account, Johnson reconstructed her records and submitted records to the Bar that contained false and misleading information.
(Case No: SC21-1675)
Thievin’ from Clients, and Received a PPP Loan
Bradley Nephase Laurent, 8615 Commodity Circle, Suite 6, Orlando,
emergency suspended effective 30 days following a July 14 court order but to cease accepting new clients as of July 14.
(Admitted to practice: 2005)
Laurent misappropriated client funds from his law office trust account, some of which he repaid from the proceeds of a Paycheck Protection Program loan he obtained on behalf of his law firm for COVID-19 relief.
(Case No: SC22-851)
Thievin’ from Clients, and Lyin’ to the Bar
James Santos Wilkie, 1333 S. Ocean Blvd., Suite 1323, Pompano Beach,
emergency suspended effective immediately following a July 19 court order.
(Admitted to practice: 2013)
Wilkie misappropriated client settlement funds and made misrepresentations to the Bar during their investigation.
(Case No: SC22-911)
Meet James S. Wilkie – Managing Partner
James was originally born in North Miami Beach; however, due to his father being a United States Marine Corps Officer (Col. James R. Wilkie Ret.), he lived in dozens of places across the continental United States. James graduated from Collierville High School in Collierville, Tennessee, where he elected to remain and receive his Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Memphis. While attending the U of M, he joined the prestigious fraternity Pi Kappa Phi. Furthermore, Mr. Wilkie went on to make the Dean and Presidents list through his undergraduate education. He was accepted to Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing Michigan, where he placed in the top 4% of his class.
Wanting to be closer to his family in South Florida, he transferred to Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center, where he graduated with his Doctorate of Juris Prudence in 2011. Mr. Wilkie attended the Nova Southeastern University Family Law Clinic, where he worked with both The Thomas Family Law Firm in Memphis Tennessee, and Legal Aid of Palm Beach County Florida. During law school, his concentration was Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, Family Law, Civil Litigation, and Dependency. He accepted a position with Katz & Katz, P.A. where he practiced a wide variety of law, including but not limited too; Plaintiff Personal Injury Protection Litigation, Personal Injury Plaintiff, Contract Actions, and Criminal Defense. Eventually in 2013, Mr. Wilkie opened the doors to The Wilkie Law Firm, P.A. practicing mainly Plaintiff Personal Injury and complex negligence cases. He remained the managing partner of The Wilkie Law Firm until his assentation to of counsel with Salpeter Gitkin, LLP through his now conjoined practice in 2018.
Mr. Wilkie has recovered millions of dollars for his clients and boasts a wide variety of trial experience in multiple areas of law. Mr. Wilkie values himself as a well versed civil litigation attorney utilizing his knowledge and extended experience to provide his clients with the most advantageous outcome. Having successfully co-counselled cases in Michigan, North Carolina, Tennessee and Mississippi, Mr. Wilkie’s wide variety of experience and aggressive nature continues to achieve leaps and bounds for his clients.
James is a long time Florida resident and enjoys golf, softball, basketball, fishing and spending time with his wife Crystal and his two daughters Amilia and Anessa.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Accident Injuries
If you have been struck by a motor vehicle while riding your bike or walking then it may be necessary to seek financial compensation for your injuries. Medical bills, lost wages from time off work, and other considerations can create serious complications for your life beyond the pain and suffering associated with your injuries.
Car Accidents
If you have been hurt in a car accident, do not accept any settlement that is offered by an insurance company without first reviewing it with a skilled and experienced attorney who can advise you more thoroughly about your legal rights and options.
Motorcycle Accidents
If you have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident that was caused by another party’s negligence or recklessness, then you may be able to file a civil lawsuit seeking financial compensation for damages rather than simply relying upon an insurance claim to meet your needs.
Truck Accidents
If you have been hurt in an automobile wreck involving a commercial truck then we can help you to explore the possible merits of legal action and to determine whether the driver, trucking company, truck manufacturer, or another third-party may be liable.
Catastrophic Injuries
If you have suffered life-complicating injuries and would like to know more about the possible advantages of filing a civil lawsuit then you should consult with a skilled and experienced attorney about your case.
Cruise Ship & Boating Accidents
If you have been hurt in an accident involving another person’s failure to properly operate, design, or maintain a watercraft then you might wish to consider filing a civil lawsuit seeking financial compensation for your injuries. You may be able to recover the resources that you need to address medical bills, boat repair costs, and other appropriate damages.
Premises Liability
Premises Liability If you or your loved one has been hurt in an accident that occurred on another party’s property then you may be able to pursue financial compensation through a civil lawsuit. Medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages may be recoverable.
Medical Malpractice
If you or your loved one has been the victim of a medical mistake and has experienced adverse health effects as a result, then you may wish to investigate the possibility of pursuing a medical malpractice claim. A successful lawsuit can gain you the resources that you need for present and future care and may also help you obtain financial compensation for other relevant damages.
Products Liability
If you have been sickened or hurt by a dangerous product then you may be able to file a civil lawsuit seeking financial compensation for your injuries. A successful legal action might help you cover the costs of medical bills, lost wages, and other considerations appropriate to the specific details of your case.
Personal Injury
If you have been hurt in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness and are looking for a compassionate and committed legal representative, then we can help you fight to hold them accountable for the harm that you have suffered.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
If you have been in an automobile accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist then it may be possible to pursue additional financial compensation through a civil lawsuit. A successful legal action might gain you the resources necessary to make up the gap between the policy maximum and the damages you have experienced.
Wrongful Death
While prevailing in a wrongful death lawsuit against the person or entity responsible for your loved one’s death may seem like a hollow victory, the reality is that it may be the best or only way to ensure that you have the financial resources that you need to cope with the painful adjustments you must make.
The Florida Supreme Court, The Florida Bar and its Department of Lawyer Regulation are charged with administering a statewide disciplinary system to enforce Supreme Court rules of professional conduct for the more than 110,000 members of The Florida Bar. Key discipline case files that are public record are posted to attorneys’ individual online Florida Bar profiles. To view discipline documents, follow these steps. Information on the discipline system and how to file a complaint are available at www.floridabar.org/attorneydiscipline.
Court orders are not final until time expires to file a rehearing motion and, if filed, determined. The filing of such a motion does not alter the effective date of the discipline. Disbarred lawyers may not re-apply for admission for five years. They are required to go through an extensive process that includes a rigorous background check and retaking the Bar exam. Attorneys suspended for periods of 91 days and longer must undergo a rigorous process to regain their law licenses including proving rehabilitation. Disciplinary revocation is tantamount to disbarment.
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