Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court Nathan Hecht married Chief Judge of the Federal Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir. on Sunday, Apr. 10,...
Warblin' from the swamp-filled Fl. Fedsoc '22, Gonzo puffed: "they both have dealt with hardships, such as, umm, the worst elements of our corporate media".
Judge Kenneth A. Marra's Void Order Granting Ocwen’s Motion for Summary Judgment on 9 out of 10 Claims on the basis of Res Judicata in Consumer...
Ocwen's staged failed settlement related to the lawsuit filed by the CFPB in 2017 against the $3 billion dollar admonished mortgage servicer.
This complaint is against an attorney registered with the Florida State Bar. The lawyers’ name is Catalina Azuero and she works for Goodwin Procter, LLP.
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