There can be no doubt that this is a frivolous appeal and we would not hesitate to order sanctions if appellant had been represented by counsel.
We order Watkins to pay double the costs, reasonable attorneys’ fees and to assess those fees and double costs against Watkins.
Under the anomalous rule, courts are immediately reviewing the propriety of the intervention denial. Pretending otherwise is unnecessary.
Our refrain remains the same. Check the case history to see if you're about to be "stitched-up" by a panel which is maliciously assembled to execute...
Here's the State of the Florida Bar from their June 2021 list of disciplined Florida rogue lawyers and attorneys. Convicted Felons Wanted to [Re]Join the Fl....
That's Not Justice, it's An Expensive Coverup. Justice was not served. We sent the wrong message to victims of domestic violence by allowing a federal judge...
Experience teaches that it is counsel for the class representative and not the named parties, who direct and manage these actions. Every experienced federal judge knows that...
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