Darrin Lavine, Lina Lavine and their Relationship with Allan Campbell, Roddy Boling and Chris Lim et al, is detailed in this LIF exclusive series.
We suggested our doubts in our first article and our suspicions are only further endorsed by the foreclosure of their former marital home.
The Bank stated I did not qualify for refinancing because in 2008, I was given a loan that I never should have qualified for in the...
A jury rendered a verdict for Dorvil on his wrongful foreclosure and awarded Dorvil $182K in damages. The judge reduced that to $30k.
LIT has focused on the Magistrate Judge's motion to dismiss findings and order. As with the Brahman Partners case, this law suit would be settled shortly...
Ocwen did not have appropriate rules and procedures in place to prevent potential conflicts of interest, or, if Ocwen did have those rules and procedures, William...
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