Lawyers Above the Law: There's a whole load more thievin' Florida attorneys in April who are sanctioned but not referred for criminal prosecution.
Once again, the disparity in sanctions by the Florida Bar Disciplinary cases appears dependent on who you know and/or your wealth.
On Sep 1, 2021, the Florida Bar Disciplined 10 lawyers and on Sep 15, another 17. That's 27 lawyers in one month.
The Florida Bar Disciplinary List for September 2021 provides LIF with an opportunity to take a look at the "Referees" who recommend disciplinary sanctions.
JQC panel acquitted Judge Barbara Hobbs of attempting to "arrange unmonitored and unrecorded contact" with her son in jail.
Florida Supreme Court disciplined 21 attorneys in Aug 2021. Stealing from clients along with alcohol and drug crimes dominated discipline.
The Florida Bar do not suspend the unresponsive lawyers, they give them a public slap. Forget about the Complainants - it's Vacation time.
LIF provides a detailed analysis of sanctioned lawyers in April 2021's list of disciplined attorneys and who hold membership with the Florida Bar.
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